Hair Restoration
Harnessing your body’s own power to restore thick, healthy hair.
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Say Goodbye to Thinning Hair
Hair loss can be a troubling issue that plagues both men and women alike. It can come about from age, medical conditions, genetic predisposition, or chronic stress. External hair growth treatments like Rogaine or surgical hair implantation do not always yield desirable results for many patients, and in the case of surgery, cost can be prohibitive. We use PRP therapy for hair restoration in Austin at SDBotox to help the body itself promote hair re-growth.
What is PRP?
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a powerful tool your body uses to help keep itself healthy. Found in blood, platelets contain growth factors that promote the healing of tissues and the regeneration of cells. When the platelets are injected into the scalp, they release these restorative and growth factors, which stimulate the hair follicles to grow new hair. Since PRP is derived from the patient, the risk of adverse reactions is very minimal, making PRP one of the safest, most effective hair restoration treatments out there.
Who is a Good Candidate for PRP Hair Restoration?
Do you feel self-conscious about hair that is gradually disappearing, making parts of your scalp visible? PRP treatment is suitable for those who are experiencing incipient hair loss or thinning hair, but who do not wish to undergo surgery or take medication to treat their hair loss.
PRP hair restoration in Austin with our team is best for those who are experiencing thinning hair or early hair loss. It is not a treatment for people whose hair loss is more advanced or are completely bald.
What Happens During a PRP Hair Restoration Session?
During your PRP hair restoration treatment at SDBotox in Austin, Texas, our highly trained nurses will draw a small amount of blood from your arm. The blood will then be processed and purified in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the rest of the blood. The platelet-rich plasma will then be injected into your scalp via microneedling in areas where you’re experiencing hair loss.
The entire session usually takes about an hour, and you can go home immediately after the treatment. Some patients experience some mild discomfort or swelling afterwards, but this should go away within a few days. PRP treatment for hair loss is not a one-time solution, and multiple sessions spaced over months are needed to achieve desired results. The number of sessions varies per person, and will be determined during your consultation process.
What is Aftercare Like?
- Wait to wash your hair for at least 24 hours
- Avoid using any hair products for 24 hours
- Do not expose your scalp to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures for at least a week
- Postpone strenuous exercise or activities that may cause excessive sweating for at least 48 hours
Recovery Period
Patients do not need an extended recovery time after PRP hair restoration therapy. Some patients resume their normal activities, while others tend to take it easy for a day or two. The recovery timeline for PRP treatment for hair loss varies based on the individual patient and the severity of their particular hair loss.
Noticeable Results Over Time
As your hair follicles naturally regenerate your healthy, thick head of hair, you will see results from PRP over time. Generally, patients can expect to see some initial results within 3-6 months after the treatment. For some, it may take up to a year to see the peak effects of the treatment.
SDBotox is Here for Your Hair
At SDBotox in Austin, Texas, our goal is to help you feel proud and excited about the way you look. PRP Hair restoration is just one of the many effective aesthetic treatments we offer. Like our popular injectable services, our PRP Hair Restoration patients love the way they look once their treatment concludes. To find out if we can help restore your hair, contact us to schedule a consultation today.
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From the moment you enter our doors, we aim to put you at ease. We foster an inclusive, non-judgemental, casual environment combined with highly trained, experienced doctors, nurses and treatment providers to ensure you are in the best hands.