A Smooth, Youthful Face

You can live wrinkle-free, regardless of your age. At SDBotox in Austin, Texas, we offer a variety of wrinkle relaxers such as BOTOX, Dysport, and Xeomin that will keep your skin looking unlined and attractive.

Wrinkle relaxers have been popular for decades, and advancements in aesthetic science over the past few years have introduced a variety of wrinkle relaxers, each with its own unique strength. To find out which wrinkle relaxer is best for your needs, schedule a consultation today.

Woman smiling with her hair in a claw clip wearing a black tank top

How Do Wrinkle Relaxers Work?

Wrinkle relaxers interrupt muscle contractions and relax the muscles, ultimately reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Also known as neuromodulators, they not only help diminish existing wrinkles but also prevent new wrinkles from forming or worsening. 

Aesthetic neuromodulators like those we offer at SDBotox all share botulinum toxin A as their major active ingredient, though each has a specific, unique formula. These neuromodulators are temporary, and results last anywhere from 2-8 months, depending on type of product used.

Who are Wrinkle Relaxers for?

Wrinkles relaxers like BOTOX, Xeomin, and Dypsort target wrinkles and lines that are caused by repetitive facial movements like laughing or frowning. Over time, these repetitive movements cause lines and wrinkles to remain apparent on the face, even when a person is expressionless.

Wrinkle-relaxers reduce and sometimes erase these deep wrinkles and lines, and are most commonly used to treat the following:

  • Frown lines
  • Forehead lines
  • Bunny lines
  • “Elevens”
  • Crow’s feet
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Are Wrinkle Relaxers Painful?

All patients at SDBotox can expect a comfortable and serene experience when undergoing treatment for deep wrinkles. Before the procedure is started, our expert injectors make sure the patient is comfortable, and when requested, a topical anesthetic is used to numb the injection area. Some of the wrinkle relaxers even have numbing agents in their formula for increased patient comfort.  

What Results Can I Expect?

After receiving your wrinkle relaxer, you can expect your face to look more youthful and for the presence of any wrinkles to be greatly minimized, and in some cases completely erased. Most neuromodulators take a few days to a week for peak results to set in. The appearance of deep forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, bunny lines, and other dynamic lines and wrinkles will be much less noticeable, but you won’t look unnatural, frozen, or suprised. With repeat use, these wrinkles can even be eliminated.

Is There A Recovery Period?

One of the best things about wrinkle relaxer treatments is that it will not disrupt your life. Many patients schedule appointments during their lunch break, and are able to seamlessly resume their day right afterwards. There may be some minor swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection site, but this goes away fairly quickly.

BOTOX: Popular for a Reason

BOTOX is one of the most well-known wrinkle relaxers on the market, and the very first that was approved by the FDA as a wrinkle treatment. BOTOX continues to be a patient favorite because its strong and consistent results. BOTOX typically takes 1-2 weeks for its full effect to take place, and typically lasts 3-4 months.

Xeomin: The "Organic" Option

Xeomin shares the major benefits of BOTOX, but one major difference is that it contains no additives or proteins. This makes Xeomin a good choice for patients who are very sensitive or prone to allergic reactions. Some refer to Xeomin as the ‘organic’ wrinkle relaxer for precisely this reason. Xeomin may take slightly longer than BOTOX or other neuromodulators to take effect.

Dysport: Fast Acting

Dysport is the second most popular neuromodulator after BOTOX, often because it takes effect faster and lasts longer. Dysport contains a smaller protein molecule than Botox, which makes it spread more easily and yields more natural-looking results. Dysport can be especially beneficial for treating larger areas, such as the forehead. Dysport is sometimes recommended for physically active patients and those patients whose bodies metabolize BOTOX quickly.

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smiling woman with closed eyes and hands on her face

Choose SDBotox for Your Anti-Wrinkle Needs

At SDBotox in Austin, Texas, we focus on providing the absolute best rejuvenation care with top-of-the-line products. Our team is made of expert, seasoned providers who are highly trained and who have years of experience in the aesthetic space. To find out how we can make you look years younger, schedule a consultation today!

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From the moment you enter our doors, we aim to put you at ease. We foster an inclusive, non-judgemental, casual environment combined with highly trained, experienced doctors, nurses and treatment providers to ensure you are in the best hands.

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